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Principale Riguardo a noi Corsi Lessons Concorsi Blog Search Results More STEM HERO VIRTUAL ROBOTICS TOOLKIT STEM HERO con Virtual Robotics Toolkit è un corso individuale di Robots Got Talents. Durante il corso, i partecipanti impareranno la robotica, l'intelligenza artificiale e la programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i loro robot LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 su schermo usando Virtual Robotics Toolkit e LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER. DIFFICOLTÀ: facile LEZIONI: 7 QUIZZI: 6 IMPEGNO TEMPO: 2-4 ore per lezione LINGUA / E DISPONIBILE: inglese, turco, italiano (disponibile a breve) CERTIFICATO DI PARTECIPAZIONE: Sì TOPIC / S RELATIVA: Robotica , Coding , Computer Science WE RECOMMEND VIEWING THIS PAGE FROM A PC, AS THE WEBSITE IS CURRENTLY NOT MOBILE SUPPORTED, SO YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW ALL THE COURSE INFO DESCRIZIONE DEL CORSO : STEM HERO con Virtual Robotics Toolkit è un corso individuale di Robots Got Talents. Durante il corso i partecipanti apprenderanno robotica, intelligenza artificiale e programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i loro robot LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 su schermo usando Virtual Robotics Toolkit e LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER. Questo corso contiene tutto il materiale necessario per aiutarti a iniziare il tuo viaggio nel mondo della robotica. STEM HERO Students Zone: La zona degli studenti è una presentazione interattiva argomento per argomento, inclusi quiz, esercitazioni e tutorial video, che guida i partecipanti durante il corso STEM HERO Download Zone: La zona download contiene risorse extra di cui potresti aver bisogno per il tuo corso, tra cui Mindstorms for Beginners Book V4, Piano delle lezioni, Dispense per le zone degli studenti, Modulo di impostazione del certificato Visualizza il documento del corso Area Studenti Accesso ROBOTS GOT TALENTS LDD MINI BOOK V1 CERTIFICATES FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS ROBOTS GOT TALENTS STUDENT ZONE ROBOTS GOT TALENTS TEACHER ZONE MORE ABOUT THE COURSE SKILLS GAINED STUDENTS ZONE SAMPLE TOPICS COVERED TEACHER ZONE CONTENTS
- Sign Up STEM HERO | Robots Got Talents
STEM HERO con Virtual Robotics Toolkit è un corso di classe per la scuola elementare / media di Robots Got Talents. Durante il corso i partecipanti impareranno a conoscere robotica, intelligenza artificiale e programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i loro robot LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 su schermo usando Virtual Robotics Toolkit e LEGO DIGITAL DESGINER. Questo corso contiene tutto il materiale necessario per produrre la migliore esperienza del corso per Studenti e Insegnanti, Zona Studenti contenente Argomento per Discussione Presentazioni, quiz e Attività LEGO® MINDSTORMS® con video tutorial, Zona Insegnante contenente Libro di testo, presentazioni, risposte a quiz, Materiale pubblicitario, piano delle lezioni e guide per gli insegnanti. Il corso STERO HERO è composto da 7 lezioni principali che coprono tutti gli argomenti e le attività menzionati nel documento del corso. Visualizza il documento del corso Contattaci Accesso Le organizzazioni che utilizzano il corso non sono autorizzate a utilizzare guide, presentazioni o loghi in altri corsi, corsi o sfide Ogni volta che l'organizzazione desidera ripetere il corso, deve compilare il modulo Non sei autorizzato a condividere o dare il corso a qualsiasi altra organizzazione senza il permesso di Robots GotTalents. Puoi utilizzare questo corso per scopi commerciali includendo il nome di Robots Got Talents. I direttori del corso nazionale devono inviare 3 foto ogni giorno nel corso per dimostrare che tutto va bene. Non sei autorizzato a modificare le presentazioni o le guide dei corsi Avviando il corso Volleybot, accetti tutti i termini e le condizioni di Robots Got Talents. Per pubblicare una delle foto dei corsi sui social media devi taggare Robots Got Talents o usare il tag hash (#robotsgottalents) IMPORTANTE DA LEGGERE: STEM HERO SINIF DERSİ 2020 KAZANILAN BECERİLER ÖĞRENCİ BÖLGESİ ÖRNEKLEM İŞLENMİŞ KONULAR ÖĞRETMEN BÖLGESİ İÇİNDEKİLER MINDSTORMS FOR BEGINNERS KITAP BELGELERİ TÜM KATILIMCILAR İÇİN EGZERSİZİ ÇÖZME TUTORIALS ROBOTS GOT TALENTS ÖĞRENCİ BÖLGESİ ROBOTS GOT TALENTS ÖĞRETMEN BÖLGESİ CORSO DI STEM HERO PER SCUOLE UN CORSO DI ROBOTS GOT TALENTS Kurs dilini seçin Data di inizio del corso Accetto i termini e le condizioni Invia Riceverai la tua password via mail entro 2 giorni Grazie,
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- Challenges | Robots Got Talents
Principale Riguardo a noi Corsi Lessons Concorsi Blog Search Results More ABOUT ROBOJAM: Founded in October 2020 in Colombia, RoboJam has emerged as a leading international virtual and in-person robotics competition. With a strong commitment to fostering innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing, RoboJam provides a educational and competitive atmosphere for robotics enthusiasts, engineers from different ages. Presently acknowledged as the premier online/in-person robotics competition in Latin America, boasting over 1900 participating teams and receiving international acclaim across 34 different countries. RoboJam Website Robots Got Talents | RoboJam Edu Program Skill Drive Challenge STEAM Task Challenge RandoMap Challenge Clamber Challenge Biped Race Challenge BumperBot Challenge Disk Drill Challenge RoboSketch Challenge Bristle Race Challenge Colorynth Challenge EVENTI NAZIONALI Event Name Event Logo Date Type status Challenges RoboJam Latam 29/04/2023 In-Person Done RoboJam Colombia 10/06/2023 In-Person Done RoboJam Mexico Neuvo Leon 24/06/2023 Virtual In Progress RoboJam Asia 05/08/2023 Virtual Registration Open ROBOSKETCH, COLORYNTH, BRISTLE RACE, BIPED RACE, SKILL DRIVE, CLAMBER RoboJam America Centro 09/09/2023 In-Person Registration Open ROBOSKETCH, COLORYNTH, SKILL DRIVE RoboJam Andino 16/09/2023 Virtual Registration Open ROBOSKETCH, COLORYNTH, BRISTLE RACE, BIPED RACE, SKILL DRIVE, CLAMBER RoboJam Colombia 23/09/2023 Virtual Registration Open ROBOSKETCH, COLORYNTH, BRISTLE RACE, BIPED RACE, SKILL DRIVE, CLAMBER RoboJam Mexico Nacional 30/09/2023 In-Person Registration Open ROBOSKETCH, COLORYNTH, BRISTLE RACE, BIPED RACE, SKILL DRIVE, CLAMBER RoboJam GLAM 07/10/2023 Virtual Registration Open ROBOSKETCH, RANDOMAP, BRISTLE RACE, BUMPERBOT RoboJam Mexico Chihuahua 14/10/2023 In-Person Registration Open ROBOSKETCH, COLORYNTH, BRISTLE RACE, BIPED RACE, SKILL DRIVE, CLAMBER RJ STEAM TASK 28/10/2023 Virtual Registration Open STEAM TASK RoboJam All Stars 18/11/2023 Virtual WINNING TEAMS FROM ALL CHALLENGES Page 1 of 1 ROBOTS GOT TALENTS X ROBOJAM You can now register your team in Robots Got Talents | RoboJam Educational Program, where you would get unlimited access to our free educational content exclusively available for RoboJam teams. [ Submissions will be accepted starting from 15th of October 2023] Press here t o check available course. REGISTER YOUR TEAM NOW: Fill the form below to get access to Robots Got Talents exclusive educational content for RoboJam events participants. Fulll name Country Email Event Name Team name Organization/School name I accept terms & conditions Submit Thanks for submitting, you will receive your login details within 48 hours. Copyright © 2019-2022 by Robots Got Talents. All rights reserved. LEGO and MINDSTORMS are registered trademarks of The LEGO Group, RoboMind is a registered trademarks of Research Kitchen, MIT APP INVENTOR is a registered trademarks of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Robots Got Talents is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by any of the above organizations. Not all the data in books/ courses are owned or made by Robots Got Talents, resources are available in the Resources Webpage Login Sources Classroom Course Hosting Rules Contact us Courses Camps Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Volunteering Program Challenges About us
- Sign Up Jr Robotics | Robots Got Talents
Principale Riguardo a noi Corsi Lessons Concorsi Blog Search Results More JR ROBOTICS L1 CORSO INDIVIDUALE STEM HERO con Virtual Robotics Toolkit è un corso individuale di Robots Got Talents. Durante il corso, i partecipanti impareranno la robotica, l'intelligenza artificiale e la programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i loro robot LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 su schermo usando Virtual Robotics Toolkit e LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER. DIFFICOLTÀ: facile LEZIONI: 7 QUIZZI: 6 IMPEGNO TEMPO: 2-4 ore per lezione LINGUA / E DISPONIBILE: inglese, turco, italiano (disponibile a breve) CERTIFICATO DI PARTECIPAZIONE: Sì TOPIC / S RELATIVA: Robotica , Coding , Computer Science WE RECOMMEND VIEWING THIS PAGE FROM A PC, AS THE WEBSITE IS CURRENTLY NOT MOBILE SUPPORTED, SO YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW ALL THE COURSE INFO DESCRIZIONE DEL CORSO : STEM HERO con Virtual Robotics Toolkit è un corso individuale di Robots Got Talents. Durante il corso i partecipanti apprenderanno robotica, intelligenza artificiale e programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i loro robot LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 su schermo usando Virtual Robotics Toolkit e LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER. Questo corso contiene tutto il materiale necessario per aiutarti a iniziare il tuo viaggio nel mondo della robotica. STEM HERO Students Zone: La zona degli studenti è una presentazione interattiva argomento per argomento, inclusi quiz, esercitazioni e tutorial video, che guida i partecipanti durante il corso STEM HERO Download Zone: La zona download contiene risorse extra di cui potresti aver bisogno per il tuo corso, tra cui Mindstorms for Beginners Book V4, Piano delle lezioni, Dispense per le zone degli studenti, Modulo di impostazione del certificato Visualizza il documento del corso Area Studenti Accesso ROBOTS GOT TALENTS STUDENT ZONE NOT JUST BRICKS BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS ELEMENTARY ROBOTICS BOOK V2 CERTIFICATE COURSE PARTICIPATION ROBOTS GOT TALENTS TEACHER ZONE MORE INFORMATION SKILLS GAINED STUDENTS ZONE SAMPLE TOPICS COVERED TEACHER ZONE CONTENTS Please press here if the form is not visible: External Form
- RoboApp | Robots Got Talents
Principale Riguardo a noi Corsi Lessons Concorsi Blog Search Results More INTRODUCTION TO ROBOAPP: RoboApp is a free Android App for Robotics Education, where you can find hundreds of free/high-quality Courses, Guides, Activities, Lessons and Ebooks for different Educational and Commercial Robotics platforms and Software including LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3, LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0, LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT, Virtual Robotics Toolkit, Microsoft® MakeCode, MIT® App Inventor, EV3-G and LDD (LEGO® DIGITAL DESIGNER). There are three main ways to use RoboApp: RoboApp Key Features RoboApp FAQs Download Now INDIVIDUAL COURSES More Information CLASSROOM EVENTS More Information OPEN LEARNING More Information 1. Participating in an Individual Course You can easily join any of our free Online Individual Courses on RoboApp, by filling the course signup form and in less than a second you will receive your Login passcodes and QR Login Codes which will give you access to the following: Student Zone: The student Zone is a topic by topic interactive presentation including Quizzes, Video Tutorials and Exercises, which will guide you throughout the course, in addition to the course support feature, where the course participants can discuss the course topics with our team or ask anything concerning the course contents. Download Zone: A Download page, where RoboApp Individual course participant can access and download all the needed course resources as, Course Books, Lesson Plans, Handouts, Extra Sheets, Login QR Codes, Additional Presentations and much more. In addition to Individual Courses, RoboApp also includes exclusive mini-courses where participants can use at any time without logging in or signing up, which include a student zone as the Individual Courses and an open Ebook. Individual ourses 2. Joining a Classroom Event Hundreds of schools and Educational Institutions from all over the world host and organise Robots Got Talents Classroom Courses, which you can now also access from RoboApp using the Login Passcodes or by scanning the QR Codes provided by Robots Got Talents. The Classroom Courses are made up of two main parts: Student Zone: A topic by topic Interactive Presentation available for all courses, used by the course participants/students to guide them throughout the course and asset the teachers in the teaching process including guides, activities, video tutorials, Quizzes and much more. Teacher Zone: A Download webpage including all the material needed by the teachers in their course, all the Teacher Zones contains a Course Book, Additional Presentations, Online/Printable Quizzes, Advertising Material, Lesson plan, Teacher Guide, and certificate templates. Please note that all Classroom Courses are currently supported by RoboApp, for organizations already registered in a course, the Login Qr Codes will be available in the course teacher zone. Classroom Courses 3. Open Learning With the enormous number of Activities, Guides, Lessons and Tutorials available in the Activities Zone for different Robotics Platforms you can learn everything about a certain robotics set or Software without signing or logging into any courses, which is also awesome for experienced users who want to revise a certain topic. RoboApp also includes all Robots Got Talents Ebooks available for free even if you are not registered to any course, which is a great way for further learning. Ebooks Included in RoboApp: RoboMind Coding Book V4 (Classroom Edition) Elementary Robotics Book V.1 (WeDo 2.0) Elementary Robotics Book V.2 (WeDo 2.0 & SCRATCH 3) Mindstorms for Beginners Book V3 EV3 MEGABOOK V1 (EV3-G, LDD & VRT) RGT LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER Mini Book RGT Microsoft MakeCode MiniBook RGT EV3-G MiniBook Elementary Robotics Book V.1 Open Learning KEY FEATURES: Ad-Free: RoboApp Does not include any Ads Simple & Modern UI: RoboApp has a basic/modern UI, which could easily be used by anyone. Everything is FREE: RoboApp does not include any paid or premium features/ content, Everything is 100% Free. High-Quality Educational Content: RoboApp Courses, Guides, Activities and Lessons are created by Robots Got Talents (RGT), which is one of the world's best Robotics Educational Platforms. Course Participation Certificates: After finishing any of RoboApp's Individual/ Classroom courses, you will automatically get a free course participation certificate from RGT team. Regularly Updated Content: All the content in RoboApp is regularly updated and modified to improve the learning experience for students and the schooling experience for teachers. Exclusive Mini-Courses: RoboApp Includes Exclusive Free Mini-Courses for all the platforms with courses in RoboApp. Key Features Copyright © 2019-2020 di Robots Got Talents. Tutti i diritti riservati. LEGO e MINDSTORMS sono marchi registrati di The LEGO Group, RoboMind è un marchio registrato di Research Kitchen, MIT APP INVENTOR è un marchio registrato del Massachusetts Institute of Technology Robots Got Talents non è affiliato né approvato da nessuna delle organizzazioni di cui sopra. Non tutti i dati nei libri / corsi sono di proprietà o realizzati da Robots Got Talents, le risorse sono disponibili nella pagina Web Risorse Accesso risorse risorse Contattaci Visualizza i corsi Visualizza i campi risorse risorse risorse Visualizza le sfide risorse
- Sign Up Jr Robotics | Robots Got Talents
Principale Riguardo a noi Corsi Lessons Concorsi Blog Search Results More JR ROBOTICS L1 CORSO INDIVIDUALE Jr Robotics L1 è un corso individuale di Robots Got Talents. Durante tutto il corso i partecipanti impareranno la robotica, l'intelligenza artificiale e la programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i propri robot Lego Mindstorms Ev3 per completare diverse missioni, i partecipanti useranno anche Lego Digital Designer per costruire semplici modelli Lego. DIFFICOLTÀ: facile LEZIONI: 7 QUIZZI: 6 IMPEGNO TEMPO: 2-4 ore per lezione LINGUA / E DISPONIBILE: inglese, turco, italiano (disponibile a breve) CERTIFICATO DI PARTECIPAZIONE: Sì TOPIC / S RELATIVA: Robotica , Coding , Computer Science WE RECOMMEND VIEWING THIS PAGE FROM A PC, AS THE WEBSITE IS CURRENTLY NOT MOBILE SUPPORTED, SO YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW ALL THE COURSE INFO DESCRIZIONE DEL CORSO : Jr Robotics L1 è un corso individuale di Robots Got Talents. Durante tutto il corso i partecipanti impareranno la robotica, l'intelligenza artificiale e la programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i propri robot Lego Mindstorms Ev3 per completare diverse missioni, i partecipanti useranno anche Lego Digital Designer per costruire semplici modelli Lego. Questo corso contiene tutto il materiale necessario per aiutarti a iniziare il tuo viaggio nel mondo della robotica. Jr Robotics Students Zone: La zona degli studenti è una presentazione interattiva argomento per argomento, inclusi quiz, esercitazioni e tutorial video, che guida i partecipanti durante il corso Jr Robotics Download Zone: La zona download contiene risorse extra di cui potresti aver bisogno per il tuo corso, tra cui Mindstorms for Beginners book Piano di lezione V4, Dispense zona studenti, Modulo di impostazione certificato Visualizza il documento del corso Area Studenti Accesso ELEMENTARY ROBOTICS BOOK V2 CERTIFICATE COURSE PARTICIPATION ROBOTS GOT TALENTS STUDENT ZONE Mì 2 Tôm VIDEO TUTORIALS ROBOTS GOT TALENTS DOWNLOAD ZONE SKILLS GAINED TOPICS COVERED STUDENT ZONE SAMPLE TEACHER ZONE CONTENTS COURSE DETAILS Please press here if the form is not visible: Area Studenti
- Sign Up STEM HERO | Robots Got Talents
Principale Riguardo a noi Corsi Lessons Concorsi Blog Search Results More STEM HERO VIRTUAL ROBOTICS TOOLKIT STEM HERO con Virtual Robotics Toolkit è un corso individuale di Robots Got Talents. Durante il corso, i partecipanti impareranno la robotica, l'intelligenza artificiale e la programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i loro robot LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 su schermo usando Virtual Robotics Toolkit e LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER. DIFFICOLTÀ: facile LEZIONI: 7 QUIZZI: 6 IMPEGNO TEMPO: 2-4 ore per lezione LINGUA / E DISPONIBILE: inglese, turco, italiano (disponibile a breve) CERTIFICATO DI PARTECIPAZIONE: Sì TOPIC / S RELATIVA: Robotica , Coding , Computer Science STEM HERO VIRTUAL ROBOTICS TOOLKIT STEM HERO VIRTUAL ROBOTICS TOOLKIT WE RECOMMEND VIEWING THIS PAGE FROM A PC, AS THE WEBSITE IS CURRENTLY NOT MOBILE SUPPORTED, SO YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW ALL THE COURSE INFO DESCRIZIONE DEL CORSO : STEM HERO con Virtual Robotics Toolkit è un corso individuale di Robots Got Talents. Durante il corso i partecipanti apprenderanno robotica, intelligenza artificiale e programmazione mentre progettano, costruiscono e programmano i loro robot LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 su schermo usando Virtual Robotics Toolkit e LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER. Questo corso contiene tutto il materiale necessario per aiutarti a iniziare il tuo viaggio nel mondo della robotica. STEM HERO Students Zone: La zona degli studenti è una presentazione interattiva argomento per argomento, inclusi quiz, esercitazioni e tutorial video, che guida i partecipanti durante il corso STEM HERO Download Zone: La zona download contiene risorse extra di cui potresti aver bisogno per il tuo corso, tra cui Mindstorms for Beginners Book V4, Piano delle lezioni, Dispense per le zone degli studenti, Modulo di impostazione del certificato Visualizza il documento del corso Area Studenti Accesso MINDSTORMS TM FOR BEGINNERS BOOK MAKECODE RGT MINI BOOK CERTIFICATES FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS ROBOTS GOT TALENTS STUDENT ZONE ROBOTS GOT TALENTS TEACHER ZONE SKILLS GAINED TOPICS COVERED MORE INFORMATION STUDENT ZONE SAMPLE TEACHER ZONE CONTENTS Please press here if the form is not visible: Area Studenti
- Robots Got Talents
RESOURCES Learn More Discover Now CURRICULUMS ONLINE EVENTS Join Now Explore all classroom courses TRENDING NOW View all resources Check recent events Throughout the course, students will use the WeDo 2.0 set to learn about transportation evolution and car parts, as they build and program five exclusive WeDo 2.0 car models, all through five lessons and 20 building and programming exercises. Number of Lessons: 5 Languages: English Learn more Throughout the course students will build and program six different themed robots across seven comprehensive lessons. With +30 building programming exercises, your students will unleash their creativity and hone their skills in an enriching learning journey. Number of Lessons: 7 Languages: English , Español Learn more View Instructions View Lesson View Lesson View Activity RoboJam is an online/in-person robotics competition based in Colombia, with over 1900 teams in 34 different countries. Press the button below to view all RoboJam running events. RoboJam Events LEARNING RESOURCES +140 Online public easy-to-use Guides, Lessons, Building Instructions, Video Tutorial and much more exclusively available on RGT platform for different educational robotics platforms.Including SALLI audio support system. All Resources Check Recent AVAILABLE PLATFORMS: To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. ONLINE/OFFLINE EVENTS Since 2018 RGT team organize annual Online/Offline Events including competitions, online challenges, International camps and courses, webinars and seminars. PAST EVENTS: To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. ROBOJAM x Robots Got Talents: RoboJam has emerged as a leading international virtual and in-person robotics competition. With a strong commitment to fostering innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing, RoboJam provides an educational and competitive atmosphere for robotics enthusiasts from different ages. Presently acknowledged as the premier online/in-person robotics competition in LatinAmerica, boasting over 1900 participating teams and receiving international acclaim across 34 different countries. Update me on new RGT Events More Information CLASSROOM COURSES Classroom courses are exclusive courses developed for schools and other educational institutes, where the instructors/teachers teach the students the classroom course syllabus guided by Robots Got Talents Student Zone and using the material available in the Teacher Zone. Student Zone: A topic-by-topic Interactive guide available for all classroom courses, used by the course participants/students to guide them throughout the course and asset the course presenters in the teaching process including guides, projects, activities, video tutorials, quizzes and much more. New classroom courses include a remarkable section named Student Notes which explains topics covered in the student guide in a more simplified and playful method. Teacher Zone: A Download page including all the material needed by the teachers in their course, all the Teacher Zones contain a Course Book, Additional Presentations, Online/Printable Quizzes, Advertising Material, Lesson plan, RoboApp QR Codes Teacher Guide, and certificate templates. ALL CLASSROOM COURSES: Check 2021-2022 Analytics Check 2020-2021 Analytics To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. View all classroom courses View all event camps Need Help finding the best course for your students, message us! VOLUNTEERING PROGRAMS: Become a part of our international team and help us spread robotics and coding knowledge across the globe by joining any of our volunteering departments: Development Team: responsible for creating editing and updating Robots Got Talents classroom courses and camps (Student Zone, Lesson Plan, Course Documents). Translation Team: Responsible for translating and updating Robots Got Talents curriculums and platforms. Marketing and Research team: T his team is responsible for preparing advertisements, managing social media accounts, creating YouTube videos, composing tutorials, and keeping up with tech trends. To join our volunteer database, simply fill out the form for the team you're interested in volunteering for and we will contact you when we need your assistance on a project. You may also choose to collaborate with us on your own idea, or help us build a project or translate a specific course into your mother tongue as a one-project volunteer. Volunteers will receive a certificate of appreciation and an appreciation letter (upon request) after each project. Their names will be mentioned in the course credits, and they will have the opportunity to benefit from collaborating with RGT on future projects. Learn more Contact us All Posts Non ci sono ancora tag. Nessun post pubblicato in questa lingua Quando verranno pubblicati i post, li vedrai qui. Contact us CONTATTACI: Per qualsiasi domanda, suggerimento o commento, non esitate a contattarci in qualsiasi momento su , oppure utilizzare la casella di posta diretta di seguito: Thanks for submitting! Submit
- BCRCO 2020 | Robots Got Talents
INTRODUZIONE BCRCO: Il 2 ° Baguio City Robotics Cup Open è un evento educativo senza scopo di lucro per la scienza e la tecnologia che mira principalmente a sfidare i team di studenti a progettare, costruire e programmare robot per competere nelle divisioni Elementare, Junior High School, Senior High School e College. La Baguio City Robotics Cup Open 2020 contiene 6 categorie: Linea seguente (High School to College - 2 membri per squadra) Sumobot 1kg (High School to College - 2 membri per squadra) Robotics Innovation Challenge (High School - 2-3 membri per squadra) Kennon Road Challenge (da elementare a liceo - 2 membri per squadra) Robot Exhibition and Parade (Elementare - 2-3 membri per squadra) ArduinOlympics (College - persona) NOTA: QUESTA SFIDA NON È ORGANIZZATA NÉ APPOGGIATA DA ROBOT TALENTI Registra la tua squadra LINE FOLLOWING CHALLENGE SUMOBOT 1 KG CHALLENGE ROBOTICS INNOVATION CHALLENGE KENNON ROAD CHALLENGE ROBOT EXHIBITION & PARADE ARDUINO OLYMPICS CHALLENGE Visualizza le regole Visualizza le regole Visualizza le regole Visualizza le regole Visualizza le regole Prossimamente DETTAGLI DELLA SFIDA: Data: 26 aprile 2020 Luogo: St. Vincent Gym, Naguillian Rd. Baguio City Quota di registrazione: Php 900,00 per membro del team Tariffa Early Bird: Php 750,00 per membro del team (solo fino al 31 marzo 2020) Contatta Challenge Organizer (MGE Advance Computing Solutions) Visualizza evento Facebook